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Healthy Yards Clarksville-Montgomery County Program

We all rely on pollinating insects for the production of healthy fruits and vegetables and for healthy ecosystems that protect and benefit us in many ways. Healthy Yards aims to help residents provide a habitat for native pollinators. A yard with less lawn and more native plants can reduce the need for chemicals and watering and provide a healthier environment for children and pets. Healthy Yards is a program of the City of Clarksville's Sustainability Board and Montgomery County government with assistance from the 365bet Center of Excellence for Field Biology.

Healthy Yards Sign
Get the yard sign that shows you care.
When you register your yard, you will receive an attractive and durable sign for your yard:
Healthy Yards - We grow native plants for pollinators


Register Your Yard

Upcoming Events

Native Garden and Habitat Club

New Club - first meeting!

Wednesday, May 15, 6:00-7:30 p.m.

Wade Bourne Nature Center, Rotary Park, starting with a guided tour of the native plants at the park.  At 6:30 pm, we'll continue in the upstairs meeting room (entrance on back of building, 2nd floor.)

Learn how to help butterflies and bees, and create a nature preserve in your own yard.  Activities and education for beginners and experts alike.

Sponsored by Healthy Yards Clarksville-Montgomery County


Contact us: ClarksvilleTNHealthyYards@gmail.com 

Make a donation to the Healthy Yards Program.

Native garden with Healthy Yards yard sign.

How to Participate in Healthy Yards

  1. Commit to planting and maintaining three or more native plants that are host plants for caterpillars or nectar sources for pollinators like native bees and butterflies. 
    • Choose plants that are native to our region, the southeastern U.S., have not been treated with pesticides, and are not decorative cultivars.
    • Learn more below in the section about selecting and sourcing plants.
  2. Commit to avoiding the use of pesticides or herbicides. 
    • Chemicals can kill pollinators and the plants they rely on. They can be harmful to children and pets. 
  3. Register online - Register Your Yard Here.
    • You will receive an email when your yard sign is ready for pickup at the local United Way office.
  4. Proudly display your "Healthy Yards" sign to show your neighbors you are making a difference.
  5. Participate in Healthy Yards activities year-round.

2023 Healthy Yards home garden tour.

Selecting and sourcing plants

Selecting a Location

  1. Most pollinator plants grow in full sun. Look for a location with 6-8 hours of sun per day. However, the late afternoon sun (when it is most hot) can be stressful on some plants that require more moisture.
  2. Group several plants of the same species for attractiveness, easier weeding and control of spread (if you choose to do so), and efficiency for pollinator feeding.
  3. Consider proximity to a water source, especially if you start from seed. Plants will need to be watered until they are established in the first few months, and small seedlings need more frequent watering.


Selecting Plants for a Native Pollinator Garden

  1. There is a gardening style for every personality. It’s fine to plan and execute a design, maintain specific plants only where intended, and exercise your managerial style. But it can also be very effective to try lots of plants, whatever you happen across, see what thrives, and let nature drive the process. Do you like an orderly garden design or prefer the look of a natural mixed-species meadow? It’s your choice.
  2. Native to where? For the benefit of pollinators and local ecosystems, the best choice is the most local. If you can get plants that are Tennessee natives, great! Most often, your best bet is a U.S. Southeastern regional native.
  1. Will you buy plants or seeds?
  1. Consider these factors when choosing plants
    1. Annual or perennial
    2. Height
    3. Sun requirements
    4. Soil moisture and watering needs (dry, moist, wet)
    5. Do you have deer resistance (less yummy)?
  2. Choose multiple species that will give you pollinator food and attractive blooms throughout the growing season. Pick plants that bloom in spring, others that bloom in summer and others for fall.
  3. Consider mature plant height and sun exposure. Place smaller plants in front so they will not be shaded by taller plants. In spacing plants, consider the eventual mature size of plants. It may take 2-4 years to reach maturity.
  4. Consider soil moisture. Select plants that prefer a dry, moist or wet environment – whatever best suits your location.
  5. Plant availability. Don’t fall in love with a plant until you find out if it is available from a reputable source or a native gardener friend.


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